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Monday, April 19, 2010

Where is the cake by T.T. Khing

Ages 4-8

 In this book, told entirely in pictures, each browsing a new storyline will race through children’s heads as they follow the many different lead-ins that the illustrations present.
Mr. and Mrs. Dog’s cake is stolen! As they chase the thieves through a variety of landscapes, one calamitous event after another ensues. Looking for the cake in each frame brings the hilarious storyline to the forefront.

This is emacualtely put together. I thought with so much going on it would be impossible to have a cohesive story. But just the opposite. Watch each character in the book. When you turn the page, you can see what happens next to that character. It is such a fun book. This stimulating book is the perfect backseat activity, and it encourages creative thought.

A great activity is having your child tell the story. You can even write it out on post-it-notes and put them on the pages so your child can see all the work that goes into writing a story!

I LOVED THIS BOOK! Every child should read it!


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