Grades: Pre-K to 1st

Bird wakes up feeling grumpy. Too grumpy to eat or play -- too grumpy even to fly. "Looks like I'm walking today," says Bird. He walks past Sheep, who offers to keep him company. He walks past Rabbit, who also could use a walk. Raccoon, Beaver, and Fox join in, too.Before he knows it, a little exercise and companionship help Bird shake his bad mood. This winsome, refreshingly original picture book is sure to help kids (and grown-ups) giggle away theirs, too!
This is a funny and adorable story about a very emotional bird who wakes up one morning as grumpy as can be! But soon discovers as he goes for a walk that his animal friends are trying to cheer him up! Perfect book to share with a group or individually on one of your grumpy days! It will make you smile and laugh out loud.
Also checkout his birds newest adventure Boo Hoo Bird also by author Jeremy Tankard.
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