PreSchool-K—In this picture book, children are asked to guess who's dancing across a spread by looking at the clues in the artwork and listening to the rhymes. A dancing bear makes a "Thumpity! Thumpity!" noise with its feet, while the steps of ladybugs sound more like, "Tippity! Tippity!" Appearing alongside a row of small footprints is: "Creepity! Creepity!/Lots of purple feet!/Who is dancing/that creepity beat?" A turn of the page reveals an illustration of a smiling caterpillar and the answer: "Caterpillar's dancing/on creepity feet./Creepity! Creepity!/Happy feet!" Brown uses hand-painted paper collage and primary shapes to create all of the happy dancers. A surprise pairing of partners ends this cheerful story and acts as a motivator to get children moving. Pair this title with Karma Wilson's
Hilda Must Be Dancing (S & S, 2004) for storytimes full of movement and sounds.
An adorable dancing book for a fun and active read with a young child! would perfect be paired with Wiggle By Doreen Cronin!
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