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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Trucker By Barbara Samuels

Starred Review. PreSchool-Grade 1—Leo's mom knows the extent of her son's fascination with trucks. He's driven them up and down her legs, lost one in her oatmeal, and used another to pour syrup on his pancakes. When they go outside to explore the neighborhood, he ignores everything but the trucks, and when she surprises him with a new cat, he exclaims, "This is not a fire truck!" The plump tabby will not be pushed away, though; she finds ways to interact with Leo and his trucks. With a cat like Lola in his life, the child eventually finds different uses for his toys and more time to spend with a new friend. This book is sure to be a hit at storytime. The colorful art is hilarious and full of the details in a child's everyday life. It's is fun from cover to cover, and the text allows readers to make themselves as loud as the trucks and as animated as Leo.

Leo receives an unexpected gift one day -- a cat rather than a truck but, his cat loves trucks too! A fun story to read to anyone who loves trucks and cats!


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